Monday, February 27, 2012

8.8.2010 ( Making the Most of Things)

  I've always thought that women who want to wait for the surprise of what sex their baby will be are crazy. God gave this generation the wonderful technology of ultrasounds so we can start preparing mentally and have everything set up and waiting for our little one. I know I would love my kids no matter boy or girl, but I so desperately wanted a girl this time, I knew there would be a tinge of disappointment if the doctor announced it was a boy. Just like I wanted to get the shock of whether or not my daughter had down syndrome before I was holding her in my arms, I wanted to know whether she was a boy or girl long before that point. I guess to each his own.

  Fiona's nursery has been a work in project since I found out she was a she at 14 and a half weeks. We didn't need much- we had two of everything. Two swings, two cribs, two bumbos, two highchairs, two infant car seats, two sets of crib bedding- we had our changing table and glider as well as four boppy pillows and plenty of strollers. But everything was blue and green. I was not about to go out and get everything all over again in pink, but I was also determined to have the girliest girl and not place her in all this blue stuff. So I got to sewing, knitting, crocheting and anything else crafty to give my baby girl a girl atmosphere. Here are my finished projects.

I sewed this soft pink fabric that is embossed with roses over anything blue on the car seat cover- cost me about 10 dollars, and put in a white and pink car seat snuggly that cost $20.

I also made the rug the car seat is on- it took me probably close to 40 hours to complete it but saved me hundreds by making it- I only spent about $40. I cut up 10 yards of jersey white fabric into 4 and 1/2in by 1in strips and latched hooked them into a 36 by 60in latch hook canvas that I cut into an oval. This thing is so soft and full of texture- I cant wait to take pics of Fi on it :)

I took the boys crib skirts and cut off the blue fabric, just leaving the part that goes under the mattress. I bought cheap white eyelet fabric- I think that cost me $3- and sewed it to the base (pleat and all). I had the brown breathable bumpers from when I switched the boys bumpers when they started moving in the crib, so I just used those instead of buying a new one. Honestly- crib bedding is the biggest waste of money. You never use the comforter that comes with it and the bumpers have to go within the first three months because of suffocation hazards. I spent $10 on new pink crib sheets and $3 on the crib skirt.

I took one of the mobiles that I used for the boys, cut off the hanging animals, sewed some of the pink fabric I used for the car seat around the arm of it, wrapped white yarn around the circle base of it and glued white lillies hanging where the animals used to be. I ended up deciding not to use this for her crib but instead it hangs from the swing I redid.

The swing was easy- I just made a blanket out of the pink rose fabric and cut holes where the straps are in the swing and lay it in. Topped it off with the flower mobile.

This is my favorite! I got this idea actually from Kelle Hampton. She had made one for her girls and when I went over to her house for our maternity photo shoot, I was so impressed by it. With some Joann's coupons, I only spent about $20 making this hanging mobile. It's a plain wreath decorated with ribbon, flowers and beads. The nice thing about hanging mobiles is that you don't have to take them down.... you just keep making the strings shorter so the baby can't reach it when she is standing in the crib.

A friend gave me her old moses basket and it had a blue and green Winnie the poo liner in it. I am SOOO grateful for anything hand-me-down. But I had to put my own touch on it and make it girly. So I took out the liner, studied it and made my own out of all white fabric and quilting batting I already had- added some lace and used some ribbon.

I used left over fabric from the car seat and the crib skirt to make pillows and boppy covers. I also made her that quilt behind the pillows... I will be sleeping on that couch a lot so it will be my blanket.

My boys were given store bought knitted blankets- blue and white checkered for Breiden and green and white checkered for Gavin. ( For other peoples sake of telling them apart when they were little, I started putting Breiden in blue and Gavin in green, and it stuck. Breiden always wants blue things and Gavin always wants green)
 These blankets are their "blankies" and if it were up to them, they would never leave their sides. I do not allow them to take them out of the house unless we are going somewhere were they will need to take a nap or go to sleep for the night. Breiden is super attached to his and it is already completely covered in holes.

I looked up and down for a pink and white one for Fiona and could not find anything.... so I crotcheted my own. And it looks like I may have to be making another blue and white one soon for Breiden.

These are some other random things in Fi's room. I made the lamp shade, just out of card stock and an old lamp I had. The book shelf is covered with gifts from friends and clients. And I bought that piggy bank before I knew I was having a girl. I had a gift card to Swoozie (which I am so sad to see go out of business) and could not resist. I figured I had four other friends having girls that I could give it to if my baby ended up being a boy- but I got my princess and I pray that she loves dance as much as I do.

O and the night lamp is one of my other favorite store bought things. For mothers day, my mom and I went shopping together at Target and this was one of the things she got me. I love chandeliers, and someday will get her a real one that hangs from the ceiling. But for now, this little one adds so much charm and class to her room.

I bought the same cardboard letters from Joann's that I used for the boys room (just smaller ones) and painted them pink and arched them above her beautiful bay window. The curtains I already had, as well as the couch,  the changing table, the white bins and the shelf.

I love an organized closest ( though mine rarely is). I bought two hanging shelves and used some bins I already had as well as a hanging closest rod I had used in the boys closest. I took felt and fabric and labeled each one of the big shelves NB, 0-3,3-6, 6-9, 9-12 and took card stock and labeled the bins socks, headbands, hats, and bloomers.

I had made probably over 10 crotcheted hats and God knows how many headbands, crocheted and sewn with flowers and bows. I told you, I like girlie girl things. Especially after two years of nothing but blue and green.

My last little project I have done for my daughter is making outfits. I am not a very good seamstress but I can sew anything in a straight line. So I bought plain white organic Gerber onesies and added my own skirts, ruffles, bows and jewels to them. I have most of them packed in her hospital bag but here are two that were hanging in her closet.

I love handmade things and have really enjoyed making all these special things for my little girl. A lot of people ask me when do I find time for doing all this- the same time I find for writing in my journals and blog- when the boys sleep. My husband works very late four nights a week and I am left with a quiet empty house for 2 to 4 hours those nights. The biggest thing, though, is my motivation to do this kind of stuff- I get so much satisfaction from things I have made. You can always find time for the things that make you happy.

For those of you who don't have the crafty streak in them but like unique handmade things, you have to visit the magical place-

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